Objavte viac príležitostí s VEAN TATTOO!
Ponúkame nielen jedinečné tetovania, ale aj exkluzívne akcie a ponuky, ktoré vám pomôžu dosiahnuť ešte viac. Či už je to pre vás, vašich blízkych, alebo na štart vašej tetovacej kariéry, postarali sme sa, aby si každý našiel niečo špeciálne pre seba.
-50% on everything!
This is your chance to realise your dream at a super favourable price. Time is of the essence - the offer is valid for 24 hours only!
-50% on workspace rental for VEAN TATTOO students!
Discover opportunities for growth and development! Rent a practice space in our studios at a unique price and take the first step towards your professional success.
Promotions and discounts cannot be combined. Rebooking, rescheduling, or canceling previously booked appointments, as well as any changes to existing bookings, are not allowed. In case of cancellation, rescheduling, or any other changes to a previously made or active booking, the promotion becomes invalid.